0 10 10 Hawaii 1 Friday, May 1, 1970 Court Halts Maui Bus Contract HONOLULU (AP) Circuit court restraining order was issued Wednesday to temporarily prohibit State Controller Ke Nam Kim from contracting Maui school bus services without bids. Judge Yasutka f*ckushima signed the order at the request of Maui's School Bus services incorporated which wants Kim to call for bids for the contracts. The complaint said the State must put out for bid all contracts for goods or services worth $4,000 or more. It says the Maui bus firm wrote Kim last May demanding public bids on the Maui school bus contracts. Honalo Man Reports Burglary HONALO, South Kona--Police are Tuesday morning at the Henry Nelson and a $29 camera were taken.
Nelson said the burglar entered the a.m. and removed the money from camera. The items were on a dresser Police believe the 1 thief pried open trance. No one was home at the time who was asleep in another part of the LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received up to and publicly opened at 10:00 a.m., Monday, May 25, 1970, in the office of the Purchasing Division, Department of Finance, County of Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii for the following: BID PROPOSAL NO. 132: FURNISHING AND DELIVERING FIRE TANKER CHASSIS, TILT CAB.
Upon application, forms of proposal and specifications may be obtained from the STANLEY A. NAKAMAE Director of Finance County of Hawaii (909-Hawaii Tribune Herald: April 26, 28, 1, 3, 1970) ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS JOB NO. B-1705 SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing all tools, equipment, materials and labor necessary for the ATHLETIC FIELD FLOODLIGHTING SYSTEM, KAMEHAMEHA PARK, Kohala, Hawaii will be received by the Chief Engineer at Hilo, Hawaii, until May 14 1970, at 2:00 p.m. and then and there publicly opened and read aloud. The plans and specifications may be obtained by contractors at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Hilo, Hawaii, upon deposit of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00) in cash or certified check.
Prospective bidders must file with the Chief Engineer their "Intent to Bid" not later than six (6) calendar days prior to the time advertised for the opening of bids. The bidder's attention is directed to Sections 103-41 through 103-48, Hawaii. Revised Statutes, and the Rules and Regulations adopted June 4, 1965, which provides preference for Hawaii products. The Hawaii Product List may be examined at the Office of the Chief Engineer, County of Hawaii, or at the Comptroller's Office, State Office Building, Honolulu. The Chief Engineer reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.
EDWARD HARADA Chief Engineer Department of Public Works County of Hawaii (902-Hawaii Tribune-Herald: April 27, 29, May 1, 3, 5, 1970) NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for the following will be received at Purchasing Branch, Dept. of Accounting and General Services, 465 S. King up to and will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on May 20, 1970: Bid 1 Proposal F-1846-H, Classroom, Office Dining Room Furniture to Various Schools of Hawaii District, Project No. 690-04-H.
All proposals must be made on forms obtainable at the aforesaid place, or the Hawaii District Office, Dept. of Education, and must be in accordance with accompanying instructions. Preference shall be given to Hawaii products in accordance with Chapter 103, Hawaii Revised Statutes, if any such products are bid and preference is requested by the bidder. The Hawaii Products List may be examined at the aforesaid Purchasing Branch, or the Hawaii District Office, Dept. of Education.
KENAM KIM State Comptroller investigating a burglary home here in which $131 house between 7:45 and 9 a cash box and took the in a bathroom. a screen door to gain enexcept Nelson's wife Betty, house. LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF HAWAII THIRD CIRCUIT COURT HILO, HAWAII ESTATE OF SAMUEL KILIONA KOKO, DECEASED Probate No. 3990 To all persons interested in the estate of SAMUEL KILIONA KOKO, late of Kona, Hawaii, deceased. A petition has been presented to said court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by EDWARD NAVAS, of Kona, Hawaii, praying that he be appointed executor thereof without bond.
If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said court at Hilo before 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 12th day of May, 1970, the return day of this citation. Witness, the HONORABLE PRESIDING JUDGE of said court, this 14th day of April, 1970. ANN EGUCHI Clerk Richard T. Ishida Attorney for Petitioner (872-Hawaii Tribune-Herald: April 17, 24, May 1, 1970) NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for the following will be received at Purchasing Branch, Dept. of Accounting General Services, 465 S.
King up to and will be opened at 2:00 p.m. on May 20, 1970: Bid Proposal F-1848-H, Furniture and Equipment to Hilo State Office Building, D.A.G.S. Job No. All proposals must be made on forms obtainable at the aforesaid place, or the Hawaii District Branch, Dept. of Accounting General Services and must be in accordance with accompanying instructions.
Preference shall be given to Hawaii products in accordance with Chapter 103, Hawaii Revised Statutes, if any such products are bid and preference is requested by the bidder. The Hawaii Products List may be examined at the aforesaid Purchasing Branch or the Hawaii District Branch, Dept. of Accounting and General State Comptroller (897-Hawaii Tribune-Herald: (896- -Hawaii Tribune-Herald: April 22, 24, 27, 29, May 1, 1970) April 22, 24, 27, 29, May 1, 1970) Services. KENAM KIM State Comptroller STATE OF HAWAII THIRD CIRCUIT COURT HILO, HAWAII ESTATE OF ROSE HAENA CHOCK, DECEASED Probate No. 3995 To all persons interested in the estate of ROSE HAENA CHOCK, late of Hilo, Hawaii, deceased.
A petition has been presented to said court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by VERNA MAE BRANCO, of Hilo, Hawaii, praying that she be appointed executrix thereof without bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said court at Hilo before 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 22nd day of May, 1970, the return day of this citation. Witness, the HONORABLE Presiding Judge of said court, this 28th day of April, 1970. ANN EGUCHI Clerk KUSHI KUBOTA 140-A Haili Street Hilo, Hawaii Attorneys for Petitioner. (951-Hawaii, Tribune Herald: May 1, 8, 15, 1970) $2,000 Jewelry Loss Reported PUAKO, South Kohala- A loss of $2,000 in jewelry has been reported by Mrs.
David Carey, who discovered a jewelry box missing from her baggage when she arrived at Silverdale, after moving from her residence at 56 Puako Beach Road here. Mrs. Carey said she had not checked the box to see if the jewelry was inside when she placed it in her bag, and the items could have been taken from it by someone who entered her home before that time. Her husband, David Carey, was until recently BoiseCascade's chief representative on the Big Island. Academy Graduates Graduates of the four-year course of the U.S.
Naval Academy are awarded the Bachelor of Science degree and are commissioned ensigns in the U.S. Navy or second lieutenants in the U.S. Marine Corps. LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF HAWAII THIRD CIRCUIT COURT HILO, HAWAI ESTATE of CECILIA POLIKAPU, DECEASED Probate No. 3873 To all persons interested in the estate of CECILIA POLIKAPU, late of Hilo, Hawaii, deceased.
A petition has been presented to said court by FRANCIS M. POLIKAPU, of Hilo, Hawaii, the Administrator of the above named estate, praying for the approval of his final accounts, determination of heirs, distribution of real and personal estate and discharge of Administrator. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said court, at Hilo, before 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 26th day of May, 1970, the return day of this citation. Witness, the HONORABLE Presiding Jedge of said court, this 21st day of April, 1970. ANN EGUCHI Clerk C.
DUANE CARLSMITH ATTORNEY FOR ADMINISTRATOR. (907-Hawaii Tribune Herald: April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 1970.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE Estates of: 1. Adelaide R. Gomes (S. E.
No. 3403) 2. Paulino Agorilla (S. E. No.
3412) 3. Hajime Kamel (S. E. No. 3415) Mariano Laneba Dela Sirna (S.
E. No. 3416) 5. Lawrence Christie Mickle (S. E.
No. 3422) Charles Chester Bales (S. E. No. 3423) All persons interested in any of the above estates are hereby notified that on Tuesday, July 7, 1970, at 8:30 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, State Office Building, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estates.
All creditors of said estates are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the undersigned at her office in said State Office Building, or they will be forever barred. All persons claiming to be heirs of said decedents are directed to file with the undersigned notice of such claims within said period. Dated: Hilo, Hawaii, May 1, 1970. M. K.
HEINE Chief Clerk, Third Circuit Court, State of Hawaii, as Statutory Administratrix of the above estates. (953-Hawaii Tribune-Herald: May 1, 1970) NOTICE PERMITS TO START FIRES NO LONGER REQUIRED Permits to start fires to clear land. including the burning of fallows, stumps, brush, dry grass or fallen timber, from a Commissioned District Fire Warden are no longer required. LIBERT K. LANDGRAF Chief Fire Warden Island of Hawaii (956 Hawaii Tribune-Herald: May 1, 3, 5, 1970) LEGAL NOTICE CIVIL NO.
DOHERTY, GEORGE M. BEAL, EVELYN M. BEAL, CAROLEE ANN BEAL, NORONA JANE NEILSEN, LOUIS G. POHL, MARY RAY POHL, RICHARD D. APPELHANS, DILLINGHAM KONA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, THE STATE OF HAWAII, THE COUNTY OF HAWAII, and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, encumbrance or interest in the real property described in the Plaintiff's Complaint whether or not adverse to Plaintiff's ownership, and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that Plaintiff, DILLINGHAM INVESTMENT CORPORATION, claims ownership in fee simple of the following described property: All of that certain parcel of of the Mamalahoa Highway Milolii Government Road a Monsarrat at Papa 2nd, South an area of 124.66 acres.
A map and detailed description file with the Clerk of this Court land situate on the west side and the south side of the portion of Grant 3723 to J. M. Kona, Hawaii, containing of the premises are on and open to inspection. You are further notified that Plaintiff has filled its Complaint in the Third Circuit Court, Hilo, State of Hawaii, praying that title to the above described real property be determined to be in said Plaintiff in fee simple, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that its title to said real property be determined quieted regarding any adverse claims therein. And you are hereby summoned to answer or otherwise plead to said petition before 8:30 o'clock A.
M. on the 26th day of May, 1970, to show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the said Complaint should not be granted. And unless you appear at the Third Circuit Court, Hilo, State of Hawaii, at the time and place aforesaid, your default will be recorded, and the said Complaint will be taken as confessed, and you will be forever barred from contesting said Complaint or any Decree entered thereon. Dates at Hilo, Hawaii, this 8th day of April, 1970. ANN EGUCHI CLERK CARLSMITH, CARLSMITH, WICHMAN AND CASE (Robert W.
Carlsmith 755-0) Attorneys for Plaintiff (840 -Hawaii Tribune April 10, May 1, 1970.) Dr. Robert M. Miyamoto Active pallbearers at tonight's funeral for Dr. Robert M. Miyamoto, who died Thursday at Hilo Hospital, were announced today as follows: George Mine and George Aoki, both of 442nd Veterans Association, Stanley Ushijima of Disabled American Veterans, James S.
Maeda of Church of the Holy Cross, Dr. David Woo, Hawaii Medical Society; and Herbert Watanabe of the Waiakea Lions Club. Antismog Gas Fails To Impress Testers SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) The California Air Resources Control Board Thursday said its tests indicate a new antismog gasoline isn't much help. The board announced its test results Thursday on Chevron's new F-310 gasoline, saying the F-310 additive apparently made no significant improvement in the efficiency of the engines tested.
However, the board, said, its tests were made on cars with properly maintained engines not on "Dirty engines which the Chevron makers, Standard Oil Co. of California, stress in their advertising. Chevron advertises the new additive as substantially reducing smog after six tankfuls in cars with dirty engines. There isn't a car on the road that shouldn't be using it, broadcasts and newspaper advertising says. The state tests and findings included: -Operating 19 cars with six tankfuls of Chevron after running them on other brands of gasoline.
Results: "Little change" in the amount of pollutants in the engine fumes and even less from engines fitted with antismog devices. -Another study involving 842 cars, in which Chevron fumes contained about the same amounts of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide 'as other brands but did contain 6.6 per cent less nitrogen oxide. The board said the tests did not disprove the old company's advertising claims because they were not done on so-called "Dirty" engines. The whole matter of antismog additive should be studied by federal authorities, the board said. Burglary By Armed MaskedMan Reported A reported burglary of an Ainaola Drive home Wednesday by an armed masked man was under investigation by Hilo detectives today.
Mary laukea, 41, of Waiakea-Uka Camp 6, told police that at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, someone knocked on her front door. She pulled the front porch curtain aside, she said, and looked out. She saw a male person on the front lawn, clad in a dirty long-sleeved sweat shirt and dirty blue jeans and wearing a dirty white bag over his head. Mrs.
laukea said the bag came down to the person's mouth area and had holes for his eyes. The man had a small pistol in his hand which he pointed at her, saying, "Open the door or I'll She told the person to wait, she said, then walked slowly toward the kitchen and out of the house, closing the kitchen door behind her. She went through a grassy area to the rear of her home, coming out on Ainaola Drive, she said. There, she met a neighbor and his wife in their car, she said. She went with them to call police.
Then the three returned to her home where Mrs. Laukea found a $15 radio missing from the kitchen table. Police today added that if anyone has information which might lead to the masked person's identity, they would like to have it. Vital Statistics Mr. and Mrs.
John M. B. Bounos, Kynnersley, daughter, April Mr. and Mrs. Peter P.
Hoohuli, Kalaoa, daughter, April Mr. and Mrs. Apolonio Aquino, Holualoa, son, April Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Farias, 364 Lanikaula daughter, April Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. David, Pepeekeo, April Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Pader, Paauilo, son, April 10; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Morimoto, Holano, son, April Mr. and Mrs.
Allan J. Henriques, Holualoa, twin sons, April Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. Maluyo, Ookala, daughter, April 14; Mr.
and Mrs. James N. Acol, Capt. Cook, daughter, April 10; Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Kiwaha, Kealia, son, April Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Y. Oyama, Capt. Cook, son, March 30; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert David, Capt. Cook, daughter, April Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pacatang, Holualoa, daughter, April 15; Mr.
and Mrs. John R. De Sa, Honokaa, son, April 10; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K.
Kelsom, 9 Ipuka son, April 18; Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Yamash*ta, 144 Makani Circle, daughter, April 17; Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald M. Eggers, Volcano, son, April 13; Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ah Sing, 46 W.
Lanikaula daughter, April 13; Mr. and Mrs. Dickson K. Kahaliourni, 5 Ailuna son, April 13; Mr. and Mrs.
Royden M. Watanabe, 645 A Mokuhonua Lane, son, April 13; Mr. and Mrs. David C. Shotwell, 21 Hokupaa daughter, April 16.
MARRIAGES Esmael Valeros, 95 Kapiolani and Lenora M. Garcia, 2525 Kilauea on April 18; Elmer T. Uyeda, 276 Ululani and Darolyn M. Gapol, Keaau, on April 12; Avel Vinluan, Paauhau and Gloria A. Feltman, Honokaa, on April 11; William A.
Rosa, 64 Kaumana and Pat Haudenschild, 211 Banyan Drive, on March 29; Herbert J. Victorine, Kamuela and Barbara J. Corpuz, Kamuela, on April 18; Benjamin Kaauamo, 111-3 Pawaa Lane, and Frances S. Fajardo, same address, on April 18; Cristoto Larita, Keaau and Lillian L. Kelithoomalu, Keaau, on April 18; Calvin K.
Mashiba, Laupahoehoe and Charlene M. Miyaji, Pepeekeo, on April 18; Darrel K. Takemoto, 20 Lukini St. and Lynne E. Sugihara, 759 Kalanikoa on April 18; Kenneth B.
Wersing, 464 Pohakulani and Stella L. 1 Kalani, 178 Uhu on April 18; Gordon K. Alapai, Kailua-Kona and Lorann J. Petterson, Kailua-Kona, on April 18; Ronald K. Kahalioumi, Holualea and Rita K.
Francisco, 15551 N. Machado on April 18; Ronald F. Zukas, Kailua-Kona and Margaret E. Flynn, Kailua-Kona, on April 11; Gary F. Hiraki, 380 Mohouli St.
and Jacqueline P. Jangord, 505 Ocean View on April 18. Kamae Sakihara, 95, 72 Kahaopea on April 10; Kamato Oshiro, 68, Pithonua Camp 3, on April 13; Tsuruyo Kaneko, 93, 76 Kilauea on April 13; Juliana E. Naiga, 70, Pahoa, on April 13; Chiyomatsu Okata, 89, Pepeekeo, on April 14; Rose P. Chock, 67, 2705 Kilauea on April 11; Mary M.
Antone, 83, 175 Barenaba on April 14; Yoshiwo lida, 64, Pahala, on April 12; Felipe Ybal, 77, Capt. Cook, on March 26; Francisco Asila, 77, Keauhou, on April 13. GO Announcements ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE, FREE CONFIDENTIAL FORMATION with referral counseling. 24 hour Room 7 Hilo Drug Bldg. Ph.
935-4927. CHECK YOUR AD FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY The Hawaii Tribune-Herald will not be responsible for errors after the first day of publication of any advertisem*nt. Notice of errors on the first day should immediately be called to the attention of the Classified Department. Phone 935-6621. CLASSIFIED Announcements REGISTER NOW for Real Estate School for next State exam for salesmen.
935-2816, Portrait of Homes. 6 Lost Found LOST 4-26: Toy Fox Terrier. Near 4 mile. REWARD 935- 4628. Lost -Small Female Siamese with flea collar.
Upper Waianuenue and Wailuku Drive area. Reward. Call 935-4354. Lost-Male Bassett Hound. Wearing chain collar and Lic.
tag No. 3166. 1 Missing from Ahualoa. Any information please call MacKillop's, 775-7717. Reward offered.
to for STATE OF HAWAII THIRD CIRCUIT COURT HILO, HAWAII ESTATE OF MASAKO IWANAGA, DECEASED Probate No. 3994 To all persons interested in the estate of MASAKO IWANAGA, late of Kona, Hawaii, deceased. A petition has been presented to said court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by MITSURU OKUMURA, of Holualoa, Hawaii, praying that she be appointed executrix thereof without bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said court at Hilo before 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 26th day of May, 1970, the return day of this citation. Witness, the HONORABLE PRESIDING JUDGE of said court, this 29th day of April, 1970.
ANN EGUCHI Clerk RICHARD T. Attorney for Petitioner (952-Hawaii Tribune Herald: May 1, 8, 15, 1970) Business Directory VACUUM CLEANERS SALES SERVICE Sales, services, parts, all vacuums. Genuine bags, hoses, etc. Adams Vacuum, 512 Kinoole. Ph.
Ph. 935-1653 BROTO'S BODY SHOP 33 Pookela Street 935-4945 AUTO WAXING PRESTO SHINE Cars Waxed or Polished. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ph. 959-7275.
SIGNS Finest quality Magnetic Vehicle also Construction, Architectural Safety Signs. PATTCO Agents Honolulu Sign Co. Ph. 935-2985 or 935-0470 BUILDING CONTRACTORS ALUMINA, INC. EXTERIOR WALL PANELS Alsce DuPont Tedlar Siding Amax Honeycomb Siding (No painting, comfort, prevent dryrot.) (Wall treatment included.) For free no obligations.
Covers entire island. Call 935-4184 Lot clearing grading. Phone 935-6707. BUILDING SUPPLIES BIG ISLAND GLASS 21 Halekauila, Hilo Phone 935-1805 Jalousie Hardware. Louvers Clear, Bronze Grey Glass, Screens Screen Doors, Tub Shower Enclosures.
OPEN SATURDAYS. Free Estimates. Use Classified Ads A CESSPOOLS Cesspools 17 complete $650. Rockwalls Masonary, Driveways. Call 882-1486.
COLLECTORS LET US collect your past due accounts. No collection; no charge. We also buy account. FRANK NUFF AGENCY, LTD. 50 Waianvenue Ave.
Ph. 935-0895 A. C. DRIVEWAYS K. Twash*ta Cont.
Financing Arranged Eves) 935-8658, 935-1307 PLUMBING Plumbing, Repairs, Durant Irvine 50 Holomua Phone 935-8501 or 959-7368 or 959-8964 after hours. YOUR AD IN THE TRIBUNE-HERALD BUSINESS DIRECTOPY Brings you new business! SERVICES BAGASSE HAULING WOOD SHAVINGS. PHONE 959-9308 SERVICES OFFERED HOUSE OF CARPETS FREE ESTIMATES 109 Waianuenue-935-3081 PHOTO COPY SERVICE AVAILABLE Moderate Fee; Moses Office Supplies 100 Kam Ph. 935-6651. SUIT RENTALS For Weddings, Proms, Funerals, Etc.
'The Vogue Shop, Waianvenue, Ph. 935-1658. HYDRAULIC JACK REPAIR (Hawaii) All work guaranteed. Ph. 935-1829, or 885-4645 BIRTHS DEATHS PETS- BOARDING 667 Kancelehua St.
Ph. 935- 8327. PIANO TUNING REPAIR Paul Yamada 1178 Kinoole Ph. 935-5378 Nakaoka Painting, Inc. No Job Too Small.
Also, floor sanding, parking stall striping, tile installing. Call Ben Kawakami 935-7711; James Nakaoka 935- 5606; Business Phone 935-1222 LANDSCAPING MAKIKI NURSERY Kawaihae Ph. 856-302; Res. 854-575 ANDREWS TRUCKING SERVICE 58 Kea Wile Phone 935-6852 KAINALIU OFFICE Phone 323-2440 HOUSEHOLD MOVING LOCAL NATIONWIDE OVERSEAS BAGGAGE CARGO AIR SHIPMENTS AROUND THE ISLAND SERVICE HAWAII MILDEW CONTROL Mildew Control Treatment 935-6759 Completely remove all the mildew from the exterior of your home. Plus chemically treat it.
ISLE WIDE Carpet Care Janitorial service. Free Estimates. HAWAII MAINTENANCE Ph. 935-3011.