The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota (2024)

ii At Summit THI BISMARCK TRIBUNE Tuesday, May 16, 167 'Ho Ignored Pressure As American Impatience Grows Chou's Warning May Harden US. Effort China Reportedly Tried To Kill Hanoi Peace Try. By JAMES MAKI.OW Reveals Plot to Kill Johnson He said the Chinese would, nam didn't want it to, for its Intervene if tlte Americans in- own reasons. softening the American determination, may harden it. As l.

CIIICAC.0 (AP) Red China war they called their troops volunteers and the result was an American disaster. AP Xrwt Analyst vaded North Vietnam and the mnn I .1 mlinillcs HlLiritM'. rtlllt'l I- w.VM1I.UTOX AP As' Hie U. S. force under Chinese considered this a threat J-can impatience wiih restraint Now the U.

S. forces are tried to head off a January Attempt bv Hanoi to end tlu Vietnam war. the Chicago iXuly News says in a copyright story. But Hanoi issued a peace feel- gy ln wt uy uwuvihiir cimmrv MWILA (APi-President 1 fighting In South Vietnam. At i tiie moment there is no talk here Doujjlas MacArthur Rot ready to American uneenaiiiiy uuom 1 js carefullv uvoidine anvtlunc the proposal because of their continued belief in the possibility of military victory." Chou told Malley that Ihe peace feeler was eventually turned down by the United States.

The story quoted Chou as saying a high-level delegation of Vietnamese had visited Peking drive the Johnson and the other nient leaden at Die seven-na- Moreun Invad- nea inina a iiiieiiuuos lie like an all-out efiort. en back into their own JrT "wb nHfniim.m.u..l North Vietnam but American and follow them there was some 'planes have been bombme it I turn Manila summit conference er anvway only to have it re-on Vietnam last October were I jected by the United States, the kept under ''constant survcil-1 News said steadily and once again Chou lance because of a Communist me storv bv Simon Mallev I tn.lai had something to say make the Americans supercau-tiotis, and as a result perhaps ineffective in fighting the war with North Vietnam. For he raised this at a time when critics of the war in Ihis country are urging a pause in the bombing and raising the to tell Ctiou of Hanoi's intentiuo IF TIIK MOOD here hardens, it will take into confederation the possibility of Chinese intervention and. in the fare of that, decide to go ahead, make the war tougher, risk war with China, and handle that problem I'nilert Nation's correspondent In an interview obtained by tissdssiiiaiiiui uim wai was un that tear the Ked Chinese might leap into the war on the side of Xorth Korea. But Dean Acheson.

secretary of stale under President Hurrv S. Truman, minimized lite chance of the Chinese doins for the neh.liinini.iL'e i to offer the United States peace Afrique and other Atriciin news- i negotiations in return for a haft Simon Malley and published by the Chicago Daily News, Chou warned lied China might decide it is necessary to intervene in covered shortly before the meeting, a Philippine presidential spokesman said Tuesday. The sxikesman was commenting on a report in kmk to their own security or if the Americans and Soviets tried to force North Vietnam into what he called a sell-out peace. NO U.S. OFFICIAL so far tliis time has attempted to minimize the danger implicit in Chou's words even though China, as in the Korean days, is having a lot of internal trouble.

Yet. ominous as Chou's warning was, it has to be looked at two ways a perilous burden for any administration officials trying to plan for Hie war ahead with North Vietnam. in the first place. Chou was saying he can play it any which way. Ked China can intervene on invitation trom North Viet- in bombing.

Chou said he toltl the North Vietnamese that such a proposal would lead to further nen it comes. specter of Chinese intervention if the United States keeps on! Perhaps the must gruesome 7 m5d .,0 uy "i Ihis war. too. with a horde of so. intensifying the war.

magazine quoting President Per demands from the Unitud Stales. umu lie Hiu. mere was. called volunteers. a of trouble coine on inside fium ia tho vwik Viarnnm.

Ins warning that should the wart dimmd K. Marcos as saying that papers, quoted an interview with Premier Cliou Kn-lai. Monday's report was the second in a series based on talks between Malley and Chinese government leaders during a recent trip to China. Malley said Chou told of warning the North Vietnamese Ked China. he, President Johnson and South I ese could get this help from Ked But the Chinese premier.

i China any time tliey asked for to sene his own purpose which eT is to tec the United States re- 1 fP duce its war effort, a move that do" I it. Hut in his talk with Malley. a NOVELIST IHF.S TERRA LINDA. Calif. f.APJ Isaac Michael Granich.

74, novelist, playwright and short U. S. citizen who is a corre-sKndont for some African newspapers, Chou said China that to proceed with pence Cliiiii Ln-lai, said his people wiiuld not stand by if the Western imperialists" invaded the North. But the V. S.

and South Korean forces did invade. The Chinese plunged into the very well might enable the North Vietnamese to continue uiif irtxiK una niiii could possibly feel sure any kind of peace terms would be moves would be to play into the story writer who used the pen might barge in on its own under nam or Ked China might decide ictnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky were the chief targets of I the Communists. In earlier comments to news-1 men here regarding the plot, I Marcos said several arrests were made at the time. He did i not elaborate, and his spokes- man today said no further de-, tails were available on Ihe Ked plan or the military intelligence action that broke it up. fighting indefinitely.

But his warning, instead nf acceptable to Ked China? The some other circ*mstances. to intervene, even if North Viet- hands of the United States and "'''me Michael bold, died Mom Ihe Soviet Union. d.ty. His most famous work was "This idea of negotiations was! "Jews Without Money." At one pushed bv the Soviet revision-1 lime he was a columnist for the ists." he quoted Chou as saving i old New York Daily Worker. "In fact, it mav well have orig-'Communist party newspaper, inated with them.

Hut their; bl" became disillusioned with nun was not tn lieln the frwriont tlie part v. lelt New orK alter Foggy Park Figure Lurks in Tunnel Shot in Dark Has 'Dirty Ending si-ij uotn utility ui una. anu me overhanging threat, may by itself toughen the American miiod. Chou didn't simplify anything. He complicated it.

which is probably what he wanted to do since at this moment he may feel uncertainty is Ihe best weapon to use against Ihe United States by dividing American thinking. The Museum of International fighlers-Viet Cong-hut to un-i war II and continued Folk Art in Santa Fe. M.dermiiie and isolate them from 'wiling in Ihe San Francisco- area. was the first museum in the World to be devoted entirely to i folk art. their comrades in the North.

"We were convinced that the United States would not accept Tribune Want Ads Bring Results By TOM Tlr'DK He took a gulp of surface air "I think so." Newspaper Enterprise Assn. tried to slap away tlie dirt! sure?" TAY M.NH, Vietnam (NliAl which smudged his trousers and "I hit him right -With the sound of single muddied the seat of his skin. end. sir." i Magnuwn moved carefully. His flashlight, which was in the rear, wrapped tightly in his left hand.

i bounced a beam off the cavern his con-1 walls as he picked his wav for- gunshot still ringing in lus "What happened?" an officer The officer grinned SENSATIONAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER i ic uick Magnuson incnea asked him. backwards through the tunnel) "I shot one, sir. una scrammed out into Die replied. light. I "You kilt him?" gratuiations ana allowed nis ward a hand length, a Magnuson weary trooper to catch his knee, the other hand, and the I breath.

Magnuson. a 21-year-old other knee. llftKth Brigade member from He was perhaps three feet un-iWorchester. grabbed a ck-rground and the temperature mouthful of water, rubbed his was comfortably cool, but he iface on the hang of his tee shirt began to sweat anew, the per-jand squinted in tlie sun. epilation melting into his slitted wani me to puu turn out, with annoying irritation, sir?" The air was heavv and hard FULL 4-PLY NYLON CORD Thi officer nodded.

to breath. Small insects fell on D3IMPD TOM TIEDE IN it 11 only take a minute. ''Be careful." "Yessir." After another gasp of pure air. Magnuson lowered himself back into the tunnel entrance. He squatted down on all fours, bent his ruddy-colored head and began to crawl into tlie darkness- The tunnel was typical.

Roughly cylindrical, sturdy dirt walls, about two to three feet in diameter. Macnuson had discov- Let the Firestone Certified Tire Specialist in the Checkered Shirt show you this the crawling soldier and scurried under his clothing. His ered it while his unit swept kiiees began to ache from con- new low-cost tire! I s. ruaaed thnnigh a small deserted ham- kwt with the rocky ground, let. I Magnuson shuddered involun- It was built with patience and tarily.

It was quiet as death obviously used as an escape and the young CI was unasham- la sa rttUaltoHaW pMat Ir oVTKfWvi. tsU Bismarck-AAandan Second in Sales route for area Viet Cong. The cdly frightened. But he contin-main entrance was located in-jued on. side a thatched living quarters abruptly, he stopped, and a second was situated in tlie He had reached the spot center of the hamlet, neatlv hid.

I where he had earlier fired a den in tlie shaft of an unused at a foggy dark figure. He well. brought his light up to eye level RUGGED FULL 4-PLY NYLON CORD BODY For manimuin slrrnclh and salcly. DELIVERS MORE MILEAGE matelv 75 per cent of the North The lunnel ran in a zigzag pat- lotiowed its dust-filled ray New wilier. lH'r precision blalii trend lim'ta ptatiuVsl Dakota sales total of .628.454, tern to tho edge of tlie village 100 came from these cities.

jand there emptied out into the SALES CATEGORIES 'hick cover of jungle vegeta- fied by the tax department in-t'on- eluding building materials, hard-1 around the interior of the tunnel. There. There it was. Magnuson held his breath. He trembled.

He moved towards the dark, motionless shadow. He touched it lightly and felt a pair of silk The Bismarck Mandan community ranked a solid second in X. D. retail sales during I'M. according tn the State Tax Department's annual sales and use tax statistical report.

Total retail sales made in totaled SISO.2.7.-i;cfl. second only to Fargo with SiJfi7.0US.roo. Bismarck sales to IO'o moro niilp.ici". PROVIDES BETTER TRACTION Hundreds uf eitra "gripping" eilgi and wider 'rsmpe griHivcd priivulr iinprovsvl wet or drv (lavement tracttun. ALL-AROUND BETTER RIDE New sivl" rrnxlifiiHl wrap nrouoil Kltoulifen provide Ix'll.

trurtiiin and staliilily un corners. Etigiiuvrpd for a quieter ride too. UP-TO-THE-MIIMUTE STYLIMG Hi ill I new sculplunil aili-wall enhuncca the beauty of your car. Scientists to Stud Effect of Fumes on ware and farm equipment, was high with $426 million, while the i food category with sales total- ing $334 million was second. General merchandise at $125 1 taled n.81 5.4(H) while Mandan Mies were Grand i nijiion was third while eating CXpeCTCM! Mothers Forks ranked third with $14' places and on-sale liquor estab All conipaosorm made to our last Firestone Champion ANY SIZE LISTED To lit most Buick LeSaures In wins.

Chevrolet. Chrrf li s. Chrysler Nrwports. Corv.iirs, Cor ve'tes Drts. 8)'s.

Fonts. Mcrcurys, Oldtniobiles, Plvmouths. Rjnitjter I hunderbirds. Valnnts. V.Mifl and Mmot was fourth with S141.820.WKi.

Willistoti was filth fcllowed by Jamestown, Dickinson and Devils Lake. Due in a large part to the 1IHI5 sales tax law referral and to chancing tax bases, total retail sales in each of the ten largest cities in North Dakota substantial decreases luring IflKfi. Sales last year totaled SH9.344.4(KJ, compared with W1.785.IWI during li5. The largest decrease was reported in Minot where sales slacked off sU million. Approxi- lishments with $78 million followed.

In addition, taxpayers from other states reported a total of S132 million in retail sales to North Dakotans. Minnesota led in saies of tux-able goods in North Dakota with million. It was followed by South Dakota reporting $24 million. Illinois nearly $9 million. Missouri $47 million.

New; York $4.5 million and Montana i $3.5 million. Follow ing is a list of area communities and their total re- tail sales during 15 and 1966: trousers, the kind the VC always wear. Magnuson prodded the object with the barrel end of his pistol and received no counter reaction. Then he flashed his lamp full on the pair of dorman trousers. ''Oh.

no!" he said gruffly. The soldier frov. ned and slumped back against the tunnel wall. Then he smiled slightly, then grinned, then even chuckled aloud. His sltot had been true enough.

"Right in the rear end," Magnuson chuckled. But all he had "killed" was a large bundle of dirty VC laundry. If vou fivt Mrviceman to your family, he'd be dciiqhied with mt anthology el Tom Ticde's dispatches, "YOUR MEN WAR Stnfl name, address and fl per copy to "YOUR MEN AT WAR," in core Tho Bismarck Tribune. O. Box 48.

Dept. Ml. Radio City Station, Mow York. NY. 1001.

WASHINGTON (API Government scientists will investigate whether carbon-monoxide fumes from the cars and trucks on crowded highways affect expectant mothers, survival of babies and birth weights. Dr. Edward Blomquist of the Public Health Service told a Senate committee that preliminary studies already show that the fumes affect a driver's vision and mental alertness. Future studies will try to determine whether the effects are serious enough to cause accidents. Blomquist testified Monday before a Senate subcommittee which is considering legislation for federal control of air at" I Tubeless il I Blackwall I 80 to 2 56 I fed excise ta, sales mmS tai and traoe in JF gj tire ofl your car.

8.25 14 fB 00 14) 8 15 15(71015) 65013 7 75 14(7 50 14) 7 75 15) Larger Size Tubeless Blackwalls $17.77 Air Guard to Host 1966 5 2.tUi8.600 46.200 4.907.000 2.998.300 6.183.200 113.815.400 8.237.000 1.1119.300 550.800 200.000 23.1.900 36.880.100 268.900 431.700 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS ADO Big Birthday Party FARGO The North Dakota Air Guard will cele-1 brate its 20th birthday with an open house and reunion of all past and present members here Friday and Saturday. The reunion will "get under mm Retarded Children's Group Elects Slate The recently 0ened Evaluation Clinic for Exceptional Children at Grand Forks, being operated in conjunction with the medical school at the University of North Dakota, was dis I Priced as ihom*o at Fireston Stares; compolitivrly priced at irettone Oeolert and ol oil service notion disployiny lh fireilona sign. 2.3:1.400 287.013.200 1 ay a special program at 2.644.700 "lc. rargo tiks uiin at 6 p.m. cussed at the final meetinc of 709.200 rnudv.

man s.uou inviia-jthe season of the Mandan Cu (ilv Ashley Baldwin Beach Deilield Beulah Bismarck I low man Carson Center Colehiirhor Dawson Dickinson I Oil Dunn Center Elgin Fargo Hasher Fort Yates Garrison Gladstone Glen L'llin Golden alk Goodrich Ilalhday llaelton Ila.en Hebron Hettinger Killdeer Kintyre Kulm l.inton McClusky Mandan Medora Ml not Mot! TRANSPORT Nylon Prices start at 6.233.700 nave been issued to per-Uer District AssociaUon for Re- 415.000 S0'1S who have, at one time, been tarded Children 3.422.800 active in the North Dakota or-1 Mrs. Kenneth Siegel was 304.400 gamzation. elected presidJnt to succeed 948.6O0! An open house beRinning at; James Hillard who has held the 1.003.100! noon Saturday, will feature dis-: presidency for three vears. Mrs. 1.406 .000 plays of the 100 series of air-ij.

SeWr TRUCK TIRES POWERFUL SEARCHLIGHT BEAM 4-way waterproof push button switch is a RuRKfd 6 ply rated W5 nylon construction. t.inii..iuu eran now ueing useci ov tlie 3.040.300 1 Air Defense Command. Follow-8 407.700 ing the open house, a skvdiving president and Mrs. Tltomas is the new -Hold-over officers are Phil F-director. Mrs.

Ov Ixmik mileage Sup-R- I Tuf ruhber. Eschttng Unbreakable plastic case TOTAL SALES KEl'ORTED 1965 3.196.800 42.900 5.764,300 2.981.300 6.ri29.3lH) 147.500.200 8.516.400 1.1129.000 567.100 21H.1O0 265.000 38.485.900 238.300 289.400 2,532.700 287.046.900 2.523.81 Kl 727.800 6.836.400 410 800 2.841.200 384,900 1.240.400 1.211.400 1,126.900 6.471.300 2.767.400 8.930.500 2.597.900 211.200 2.988.0O0 6,613.100 2.365.100 37.746.600 386.300 152 663.800 5.721.900 3.717.900 4.070.900 2,800.700 271 600 2,347.400 382.000 2O9.2O0 80.000 643.000 859.600 2.583.900 1.219,400 963,100 437.600 2.709.100 761.200 2.860.800 28.946.900 3.091. 311 1.171.700 535.IKIO 106.300 Phil a pass in re- Cary. secretary: view Two-tone Batteries extra grip non-skid tread Size 6.00-16 design. Federal oicih smx a.ix I 2.40 parade are mi) Mrs.

scneduted.j Thomas, treasurer: and 3.4S4.100 weather pi-rmitting. II Limit two per customer I I I I.IHI.J 'Cycle Mishap Kills Devils Lake Boy Ren Schlecht. director. Dr. Alice Peterson with the maternal and child service division of tlie State Health Department spoke on the new evaluation Clinic which differs from the Bismarck clinic in that it approaches eveiy sid? of the exceptional child including: the physical aspect in that its director is Dr.

Louis Silverman. STORES 2.317 800 36.442.200 307.000 141.820.600 5.77.V4O0 3.765.4(10 4.924 600 2.704.400 470.100 2.693.400 321.400 DKVII-S LAKE (API Paul Sabin. 16, a Devils Lake high school sophom*ore, died about 9:20 p.m. Monday of injuries received in a car-motorcycle col Napoleon New tug and 210 EAST MAIN DIAL 223-1285 BISMARCK. N.

DAK. lision at a street intersection here. ia pediatrician. It is own to all 1 children up to 21 vears of age 200.900 i lie motorcvele and a car SCHNEIDER'S CITGO SERVICE 1010 t. Main Dial 223-4960 BISMARCK, DAK.

fftHM driven hv Mike Khni and is free of charge. Inter- 6a3.9ofl ,16, also of Devils Lake, collid-i ested person must write direct SUDDEN TEXACO SERVICE 412 E. Main Dial J23 3550 BISMARCK, N. DAK. JOHNNIE'S CITGO SERVICE 601 I.

Bdwy. Diet 2SS-1933 BISMARCK. N. DAK. ed at 5-30 pm 10 ttM clmlc analysis.

Melissa Wrcg'ht. 14. a pasen-1 A Picnic for Cus'tT ARC ger on the motorcvele, be neld Saturday. May 20, treated for injuries at Mercy mi wiU rTlark the casmr tlie Hospital and released Bach-! Activity Center Mandan for meier was not injured. i tlie summer months.

Again 0ns EDDY'S CITGO SERVICE 24th Main 223-4888 BISMARCK, N. DAK. SPEEDY SKELLY SERVICE "It Pleases Us Please You" 4th Rosier A.o 223-6919 BISMARCK, N. DAK. New Salem lialeigh Itichardton Biverdule ttohinson St.

Anthony Selfridge st anion Steele Slrasburg St reel er Taylor Turtle Lake Tuttle Underwood alley I it Waslihurn Wilton Wint; Zap ARNIE'S CITGO SERVICE f. Thayer Dial 223-1932 BISMARCK, N. DAK. NORTHBROOK SKELLY "Northbrook Shoppina Center" 255 1030 BISMARCK, O. BILL'S SKELLY SERVICE Wallace Perman, Manager 24 Hour Service 2308 E.

Main Dial 223 4956 BISMARCK, DAK. 12 J.8?0.40O 2. 234. 2O0 1.205.500 930.900 427.100 2.688.100 771. 100 2.794.700 28.231.

200 3.265.400 1. 047.300 526.400 2ii0.4l year were win oe tiniinu nu-u RAY'S SKELLY SERVICE Interstate 94 3 47S-2478 STEELE. N. DAK. outdoor activities for the young people during tiie summer and the Center will open again in the fall.

Mrs. Dennis M-Kire was lnt- Tlie Police Department said the accident is under investigation. Arturo foscanini. famous sjnijihonic conductor, began his career as a rellist..

The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota (2024)


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