I ej ex ip 38D EMPLOYMENT GEM. 14-C 383 EMPLOYMENT GDI THE TAMPA TRIBUNE, Wednesday. April 6. 1983 CMICVTGEf, To Ptoces An Ad. fo Corse erf Conevct Cat 272 53 580 EMPLCVMtNT GED L- ACTS 932-9790 JOB-AO $30 guar EteCsricAsm Fui time steady go wages 932-e77 System I Fasnon mtnaed Laov ears sjv-sAie we tasnions, prtje 4 trips, ixj 1 im.
Pre- wst 1, Mere sons, 9ts-65e. 8oe-IOeS LETTER PRESSMAN Experienced enry. Cat Mike Zeccoa 251-2401 EOE keGHTS 4 Saturdays msiae txcrnt sosary, 877-72 15 after lam TERMITE 4 PEST CONTROL Soxes. Good opportunity tor apgressrve person. Apply 3911 W.
Ava9-12AM CLERKDRIVER-- Supply room parts experience reautrea Many fringe benefits. Applv Cost Crete Corp. Vj mi North of 1-4 on SR 579. 7- It 30AM Portrait Stuoia Fui 4 pan time, day 4 evening hetp $4.50 per hr. Phone work Exp.
preferred 10-5. 875-0400 EMPLOYMENT COUNSELOR Prefer someone wsaiesexp Appry person-no cons 2501 W. Busch TE a NEEDED Mobile Home Serviceman. Mm. yrs.
exper. Hard Warkma Honest. De- uenoabiel Only Exper. Need Appry. vju4 Koraotse ur.
626-7023 Part Time Weekend LeosMa Person needed for apt. com-munitv, USF area Hourly wooe 4 bonus. Prefer experi ence. Vinoge Square AptsJ vee-vje orwn 1. Presser needed.
Aooiv per son, 9am-5pm, Clayton Plaza Cleaners, 55 w. Bronoon Bivd next to Pubrix, Brandon Amateur Photoorophers Neeoed portfun time. No ex- perience or selling reauirea. Earn up to $400 week taking snapshots In your area Write to Atlas Systems. PO Box 9250, Whither, CA 90608- 9250.
LAB TECH fun tab Good pay Benefits 932-6677 Svstem 1 Maintenance Personnel need-) ed on Golf Course and Club-i house grounds. Apply In perH son: corroiiwooo village uorr ixsurse, uan Meyers SERVICE MANAGER BMW-VW Dealer needs expert-l encea person to supervise their Service Dept. includes! company benefits. Sotarv commensurate with experl-l ence. sena resume to Vistol Motor Co.
-To $300 $150 RErRIG MECH- DOE KITCHEN HELP $160 AUTO PAINT Detail $350 ELECTRICIAN To $300 LOAN OFFICER To $225 TYPIST $160 5200 W. Kennedy 877-8255 220 W. Brandon Bl 681-4858 2410 E. Busch 933-4087 visAMastercard HOTEL Bookkeeper exp. only.
Excellent benefrts 4 poy. Hospitality Services, PO box ivzz, lompa, 33682 SECURITY GUARDS 25 needed Key Tampa loca tions. Armed and Unarmed. Part and Full Time positions ovollabie. Apply to Securex, 1920 E.
Hlllsboro Ave. Thurs, April m. juam-1 Uniforms Furnished Wanted one experienced paint er. 3.JnOUr. 6B5-04VJ BARTEMDERSBARMAIDS Great navhns FP tlrrw.
237-1400 JG $25 Guar CONSTRUCTION SERVICE CLERK DISPATCHER -for Beacon Homes of Florida In Tampa area Pleasant voice, personable, weU organized, good clerical skills, able to handle customer complaints. Construction experi ence neea only appry. can MS. uernarot 1-736-6761 ENTRY LEVEL MANAGER Neeoed for prestigious retail shop, excellent benefits, complete training. 1st yr to S16K IMWKC ASSOC V5-1 IZB JOBS- You deserve the best; we've got in VB5-MII tsc MACHINIST NEEDED NOW job Shop Auto Top 237-1400 JG $25 Guar MAINTENANCE InOut Door FP tlrrkvnost no exp.
237-1400 $25 Guar. Psychological aide. Must enlov the outdoors. Residential treatment center Is expanding Its program and needs single men Interested In working with male oodles' cents In a challenging year- round program. Located 10 miws east or carTaoene, r-ta.
on the Gulf. Room 4 board provided. Salary commensurate with experience. Phone W4-6V-JJ5 Automobile Repossessor.expe- rxTncea 4j-vjs CABINET WORK Most Phases good 4 benefits 237-1400 JG $25 Guar HEAVY Equipment Operator Most Phases good 4 more 237-1400 JG $25 Guar Acwv Securer HeOPV r-tor tOO Part time Ren Aent or on Vfjraovs Sjnaos PHONE PROS UNLIMITED INCQilE Earn $15 per appt working ww prnrxscy ot vourhome. Set opptsr-wnh Tampe businesses for a Natl Co.
with umaue hh oe-mana service, set your own scneaute of 15hrvwk or more between 8-SPM wkavs Exp. heiptul out wie train those with positive ohituoe, good phone voice 4 work habits. For estervtew Tompo on Thurs day can Mr. Worth today only 9AM-4PM Oearwarer, Fl 585-3672 STUDENTS Part time Mon-Frt, mstde of- nce soses, soiarv pxjs bonus. Near USF.
For appointment COH 985-5767 ELECTRIC1ANS'HELPERS tlme 0000 Steodv 237-1400 JG $25 Guar Experienced driver needed far ni uciivci nesjvy lifting, knowledge of hardware helpful. Can 946-1121 ask far Mr. Chestnut PANTS TOWNE has ol positions available. Abie to work any hours. Must be honest 4 non-drug user.
Polygraph reauirea Applv In person 11-2 Weas. 4 hurs. at 2403 S. Dale Mabry. -Must wear Jeans.
Paste-up Artists, Typesetters rroor Keaoers tar 2nd Shift. Call 962-8136 Insurance Counselor Personal Lines The Peninsula Motor dub. 1 aaaj nos an opening tor individual with casuorfy Insurance lauta homeowners etc.) background. Selling 4 rating experience desirable. Full time office position.
Sotorv negotiable 4 full benefit program. For further information cotl 872-5943. PLUMBERSHELPERS Ftlme Steady work Good 237-1400 $25 Guar Title Insurance Co. needs Title Searcher, exp. only.
68I-370S APPT. SETTERS. If you ore not making you need to see me. 879-8117. Local driver, must know 1 ompa area Chauffeurs license rea 2403 4th Ave.
Ret. Couple manage mini wnse, tree rent, uni. twr Window Installer, Exp'd with truck tools. Top rotes, CaH between 1-Spm 247-4797' ZEPHYRHHLLS AREA part rime taniToriai neip neeoea. Must be experienced in ail phases of ronltorial maintenance.
Retirees welcomed. Call M-F 8-Noon 1-879-2599 ARMED SECURITY GUARD Current gun license, -car 4 phone required. Day -shift-weekends off. Paid holidays. Vacation.
Medical plan, Uniforms furnished. Apply: 9AM-3PM. Thurs-Frl. 10921 N. 56th St.
Suite 203. Temple Terrace. Armed Security Officers needed, must hove current gun license, prestigious locations, base pay $3.75 to $4.47. Immediate openings. Apply Securex, 1920 E.
Hlllsboro Thurs, AprH 7th, Exp'd Service Station Attendant. Apply Busch Gardens Exxon, 856 E. Busch Bivd Driver wanted for local deliveries, will train to mix point 4 assist with counter sales. Apply 4634 N. Florida Ave.
Lodies sportswear mfg. ca needs shipping and invoice clerk, Hght typing. 884-3389 Men or Women 18 or older wFlaDrlvers License. Appry In person Wed. 9-noon, Big Car Wash.
Merchandise Manager. Good sign maker, able to organize stock 4 maintain large retail showroom, $4.50 hour to start. West Building Materl-ais, 56th St. 4 Hillsborough OLAN MILLS ADVERTISING Immediate openings tor enthusiastic person with outgoing personality. Phone soles poeltion avail, on AM or PM shifts.
Hourly or Comm. Coil 989-0425 between 9-12 or 5-8 PHONE WORK To be done from home Good poy 4 Benefits CALL Justin 877-6268. AIRLINES Baggage, loading 4 unloading. Ticketing reservations, etc. For Info 932-6677 System One National Collection Agency needs Clerical worker, typing 60W.PJ general office work.
$650 month, pa vacation. Apply at 1441 E. Fletcher Ave Ste. 2450. Truck driver 13sp Roodronger exp, dependable.
229-8577 WAREHOUSE HELt Hr. depending on exp. Total Fee $100. E.S.L TAXI DRIVERS HIGHEST DAILY CASH EARNINGS IN THE AREAI Apply in person: at SOajlJejiiRTsv 385 RESUME SERVICES A to 2 RESUME SERVICE ComposeStvleTypePrlnt 932-2618 380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. SAFETY DEPT.
TM-OTAnOTMTMKITCa. 5-6-1022 5 10 Douglas Avenue AlTAMONTf SPRINGS. Fl MUX IOI SALES 4 earaen ea tar cnom, dnxeum, dept. venery 4 home centers. Many estaovsned accts.
Clommissian basis. Some e-vei'igiii travel. Cos MJke INSURANCE AGENTS hp Over reurit Treveeng No Com ConvatstfiQ No Mom Leoos youve tree a) troveeng long distances wh unQOA! FD ma leads, then you want te ton ss met We have proven pnone system iot proviaes our agents with 4-5 medicare Supplement LEADS DALY. Far appt COS 837-0007, 9AM to IPM. REAL ESTATE CAREER Unemned income, due te expansion, we hove an opening our Tempo Office.
Complete Training, Natl Referral Network. Leads furnished. Bonuses, Draw against commission. New 4 Experience Licensees Wet-corned. Cos Pat Giorgionni, Oper.
Manager, for confiaen-txj interview. 933-6621. Walt Brewer Realty. WEATHERSHCLD INC manufacturer of okjminum products in now accepting oppM-cottons for sattvtechnicai representative In the Tampa St. Pete, 4 Loketana area 813485-1594.
Excellent opportunity to earn on Multi-Level sates commission. 1500 to S5O0O per month. GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY. Person selected will receive training to assure success. Personal interviews wil be heta locally Apm 6 and 7.
Can 1-799-1181 for appointment or write Ron Cooper, PO Box 1741, Elkhart, IN 46515; 219-29V4494. Exp. kitchen cabinet salesman. Const. 4 retoK background pref.
9-5 Licensed Real Estate Sates person wanted. HAMMER REALTY CORP, 933-1440. muiLia i mm. Mtca This expanding co. win pay MM rlnfc Mrnn (KIWI let yr.
It you are sharp 4 know your stuff, give us a call MARC ASSOC 985-1128 WILLING to work hard for S300-S500 per week while you ouiia your own business? We furnish all the tools 4 training. Call 986-5525. OFFICE SUPPLIES Support a leader as Sates Rep for this local expanding firm. A good attitude 4 the ability to translate marketing goals into sojes reality win open the door to a successful careen 1st yr pot. S18400 MARC ASSOC 872-4400 OLANM8J-S ADVERTISING Immediate openings for enthusiastic person with outgoing personality.
Phone soles poeltion avoH. on AM or PM shifts. Hourly or Comm. Call 989-0425 between 9-12 or 5-8 SALES MGR TRAINEE People skills, poise 4 a prof, attitude wW allow you to (Ota, this exciting innovative team of professionals. Sotorv comm.
1st yr pot. $19,500 pee pa More Assoc s2-4400 8 ROUTE SALES i 5 Need severe! persons with route selet experi. A 2 ence. 5 day week. ben-V ceils SALES REPRESENTATIVE Residential Roofing Estimator Call 875-2772 CAREER OPPORTUNITY Natl co.
win provide fuH training for sharp person mgmt pot. Salcomm. to S22K Marc Assoc 985-1128 TOUR AND TRAVEL REPRESENTATIVE For fnaor Florida attraction and hotel, minimum 3 years experience with tour bus Industry. Send resume to Tribune Box B-072 CLOSERS Aggressive Self Starter, $500 Per Week. Daly Aluminum.
229-2230) 949-1014 lawn-garden, mower 4 tractor sales. Immed. opening. Send resume to: P.O. Box 524 Brandon Fl 3351 1 FREIGHT SALES Large air cargo co.
needs sharp exp'd serf starter to foln a successful team. Good upward mobility awaiting the right person. 1st yr pot. SI 9,500 Marc Assoc 872-4400 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Due to rapid expansion this co. needs high caliber tndiv.
who can step Into mgmt soon! If you re seeking a faster track call todoyl 1st yr pot $15400 Marc Assoc 872-4400 FOOD SALES If vou would like a future In the wand of food sales 4 hove mgmt potential, this is a great oopty for youl Sary comm 20,000. Great bnft pkg More Assoc 872-4400 Our 77 year ok) Company has embarked on an oggresslve expansion program an over Florida We now have a Branch In Sebrlng, and Intend to use this location as a training base far further expansion Highlands County and surrounding Counties. Our Regional Manager It staying at the new HoHdoy Inn on Route 27 between Sebrlng and Avon Park. He wM Interview applicants for Sales and Office work. We are looking for people who ore ambitious and wont to earn more than they have ever thought pas stole.
We need men and women who ore eager to advance Into positions of Management, we hove a fine, professional training program. We furnish the prospects. We pay salaries, commissions, overwrites, bonuses, and many fringe benefits. In 77 yean we nave hod NO layoffs, NO business skimps, NO oecreose In pay. If It's high Income and security you wont, see: Mr.
fUrk at the HoHdoy Inn at Sun N' Lake Resort of Sebrlng, on Frtooy, April 8th, between AA. and II AjMu or between 2 PM. and 4 PJeV or between 7 PM. and 8 P.M. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
RETAIL SALES. OXitgoing per-sonoUty. 5638 W. Water. Straw Market.
885-481 Transportation Sales ogre live sates person to handle ON phases of satesmarketing Tompa area Experience In motor earner or railroad transportation helpful. Send resume to Trsbune Co. Boa X-016. IV-APPUANCESr AUDIO Saleman Tampa's oldest largest TV Appliance Audio Cham is launching the largest expansion in their history. Immediate openings for young, aggressive individuals with management potential.
Salary plus eommissiog. Earnings up to $24,000. Apply 543S N. 56th St. Mon thru fri 10 5.
380 EMPLOYMENT GEN. Ad Agency MechonicaiPro-durtion Artist. Minimum Kw experience required, usf be tost, neat 4 orcu rote. Trsbune Co. Bos 0-033 WAREHOUSEMAN Onhr those with a minimum of years experience 4 references In plumbing, warehouse, need awnv.
Appry of DYSfR PLUMBING CO. 5015 Waters, Tompa EOE Lonoscarx? Sunervtear needed. Appry; 3906 Gurm Hwy. No Cam 373 Jefita. Ne phone rapteue.
Zk Royal Crown 5 BttfliRgC. 2 2 701EIInMSf. SALES SALES Fue stme positions with toi home tooa service covering Hirsooro, Ptfteeos 4 Posco Counties. Garnmasiors co*king on new 4 estopeshed occcounts team furmsnea For personal ettervtew cos L. Wiison at 855-5753 or 1-8O0-MI-784 COLONY SHOP Has fue time position open ei our snoe oept.
at utwersr ty So. Mak Prefer shoe peck-grouna consioer other retaH exp. Apply A person. Does ISOO-toOO per wL sound gooa? jotn erttannico 3. et-home Encv.
Sows from Car Nec 177-9583 Sokes Position. Insurance sates 4 management openings. Cat 77-lioa 9-I2AM. BUSINESS SALES Interested in sates person wil ing to make V50MX) to 5 100,000 per year commts-sion. Complete training.
O-penings In local area BSA Business Brokers, 305-736-3100. t-HOME SALES High Commission. Plenty of teaas sening water conomon-Ing eampment. we tram you. Ask far Hor ok) 879-0419.
SALES $25,000 PLUS Seeking talented, ombrtious sates person to travel from Crystal River to Fort Myers, selling wreckers ana automotive equipment. Draw plus commission. This Is an unlimited career opportunity for the right person. Contact Waft or Russ 621-9711 Tpa SALES-Shopper advertising. KeiiaDie v.ar.
twsiit Florida's larg est menswear atom, Hib Store For Men, now has Immediate opportunities In retail marvagensent. Our store manager has the opportunity to earn these Incomes, plus paid medical benefits, profit sharing, stock options, 4 more. On Aprk 5, 6, 7 4 8, we ore holding preliminary Interviews at our home office Mt. Dora Florida between 9am 4 5pm. The pur-pose of these Interviews Is to screen potential manager trainees, assistant managers, 4 sales professionals.
Our manager trainee program ts designed to provide the training and development necessary to become a HIS Store For Men manager, the past 36 months we hove had 42 new management opportunities, and we are still growing. AH interested parties should apply In person. No appointment necessary. Can 904-383-8151 ext. 0 If vou need directions.
EOE AUTO SALES PERSON S1.050 per wk. For details call rick curry 884-7561 SCHOLARSHIPS For Real Es tate School for qua Itled applicants Can John, 961-9661 Fantastic opportunity to get in on me grouna floor or rast expanding sates organization. Experience preferred In housing Industry but not necessary. Top commissions. Call Mr.
Kelly far appt. 977-4663 CARPET SALES Cent. Interview 886-3373 Floor Covering, must have ex tensive experience in sewing and measuring. Need to be able to draw to scale floor pian of areas to be covered for pre cutting of carpet and vinyl Also helpful If some knowledge of window treatment and wallcovering. Mr.
Carroll 251-1 142 or 251-4251 $1,050. PER WEEK Cash pak) dotty. Day botes to businesses. 1 19yr. Natl Co expanding.
Career opportunity. Sates persons 4 Mars. No Investment. Indoor 4 Field training. New exciting products.
No credit refects. Can you ask for more? you must be over 23 ana arxe to start immediately. IF YOU CAN SELL ANO WANT A FULL TIME CA REER.CALL: RickCurry-884-7561 (CoB Wed htwn 8am 6pm.) Ladles, can you use S200 cash. Si 50 In fashions, 3 wks part-time. Apply In person Thurs April 7th, Rodeway Inn, 2520 50th St, (Gemini Suite).
I lam. 14:30, 6:30 4 8pm. MANAGER TRAINEE A itavagement position can oe yours wtitun 6 months after specialized training. Earn up to 120,000 to $3500 year In Insurance management. We send you to a professional training school for 2 weeks, train you In the field with a mln.
guarantee of S3400 to start selling and servicing established accounts. You must be bonda-bie, ambitious, goar-orlented and 21 or over. Hospitalization, molor meal cat and exceptional proflts-hortng plan. Can Tuesday and Wednesday for an appointment, Tom KenoaH, 1-536-6578, 9:30 am. to 3:30 am.
Equal Opportunity Em plover. ADV. SALESPERSON SV050 per week. For details, Carl Rick Curry 884-7561 Mature person Interested In improving themselves with local music firm. Musical background helpful but not necessary.
Sales experience required. Good chance for advancement. Carl 971-7300 SALES TRAINEE Motor firm expanding sale force Tampa Orlando and Jacksonville. We need good quariry sores poop to market our product. Our sates people earn between tXMXX to 15000 first year.
No cold caning. AH appointments furnished. Hospitalization, draw vs. commission, company car program, no overnight travel. Complete professional training pruurom.
Dont won; oniy a tew positions available. Call Tampa 228-6228, ask for Mr. MIHs. SALES OPPORTUNITY Growing company. Top commissions pokl Must be a closer.
Call Chet Modeslrt, 813- SALES PERSON, oggresslve, management potential. No prior rumnure exp. necessary. Apply 5630 E. Hlllsbaro or 711 S.
Dole Maory Sales Position. Insurance sales 4 management openings. Cot) 877-3380, 9- 12AM. PROFESSIONAL SALES POSITIONS we are seeking people who hove read ed a fork the rood and would like to be reprogr ommed to a higher earning career. We ore seek Msg people for professional saws, supervtttert, and rnanogement positions with potential of 135400-S50400 the 1st year.
Group Hospitollratlon, Life Insurance 4 Pension pian provided. No travel, no Investment. For Immediate Information 4 personal interview can 870 3122 Tampoj Po Counties 686-2263; Bradenton-Soroso-to 758-3T87; St. Petersburg-Oorwater 446-5418. Also seeking BHJnguaH Sauor Mat.
Should present nice nrmsrw. I once and sertoiis butt newete attitude. I Phone sntcllotion Defence henoful I WE OFFER: Bom freed Kaory of $7CrOMcinfhly to Mart. ePM 8onu Company tenet Pockog tvcmaVyj I He Heath 4 Denial Insurance plnose send tesumg el commence to: 31 18 Gulf to en Suit? Crererilet. FL33J1 370 WE NEED: Hostess lor lotkak I I 363 TRASS HELP ANTED Cabtnent Mox.no ana Mco war.
Must hove experience app'v Custom Croft MECHANICS Apply in Person AMERICAN EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5907 Adamo Dr. 621-8696 370 SALES PART TIME TELfcPWJNfc SALES. Exc soxrv oonus dan. Mr. Rose 76-4044 Htah volume reran Celling Fan outset neeas entnusiosiK saws person to work tona herd hours.
Penenis plus partus opporiunrries. 1-726-8831. (AM-10 AM Experienced budding materials salesperson wanted. Apply West Building Matert- ars, imw. MwsDorougn BARTER SYSTEMS IN TV Seekino setf-motlvotedi oppressive sales persons desiring unlimited Income poten tial lomprete rroinino- uaas turnisnea.
vJ5-4 Roofing estimator. Exp. only. Tompa resident. 870-0222 Salesmen kitchen cabinet experience.
251-3349-ICent SALES-Amdlsco now hiring fact reps. SiW-UW) Ma we train. Resume, 4622 Landscape Dr. Tampa 33624 Earn While You Learn 38 Year old notional firm now expanding. Looking for su-cessful men to grew with us.
Late model car a must. Many company benefits 4 high commissions. No prior exp. In sales necessary. Call 247-48 10, ask tor Mr.
King. MANAGER for Bath Boutlaue, must hove both boutique exper. Inexperienced need not apply. Apply Monday thru Friday, DYSER PLUMBING CO 5015 W. Wa ters, Tampa tot Mgt Pro, Tampa, fast track, S26-30K phis benefits.
College grad, 2 plus vrs exp. Dept 0403A PO Box 272064 TP0 336S8-2V164 INTERESTED IN INTERIOR DESIGN? Do you hove sales experience home furnishings or related field? Is your current position keeping you from your fuH potential? Carnage House, an Ethan Aden Galler- v. Is lookina to fi 2 oosltlons. 1: A designersalesperson for residential. 2: A commer cial contract salesperson.
Excellent commission 4 ben efits. COM Rk, 62 1-7585 PULTE HOME CORP. Is seeking experienced Real Estate! Associate tor several of Its model centers. S35400 tol SiVXJO averoge annual In come. Cdll DON UNCROWDED FIELD Cemetery Sales Counselor.
baa jim otoson 9B6-24Q2 Retail Salesperson for Bron-1 don Plumbing store. PtumbH ing exper. netprui out not nec Apply s-4, UYStK Plumbing, 5015 W. Waters. cue Suncoast Surf Shoo now hJr ma fuH time retail sates per son.
Exp. retail mgmt. onry. nets reauirea v-eszB MEDICAL SUPPLY SALES, to physicians, Tampa area, guarantee to commission P.O. BOX 1228, TOmpO, 33601 Free easy money seminar to-tolly new program 935-0541 Sales Representative Experienced for Mobile Home Sales.
Excellent Income po tential. v.aii uerores Jones, GEMINI MOBILE HOMES 626-9250 Part Time Salesperson S39-I xecvniu mces. comm. Basis. Townhouse Protect.
JerryJ B60-OUU4, III-12 only. JEWELRY SALES Tammey Jewels, University! square or westsnore parti time, fun time. Salary ptusl bonus. 971-6761 or 870-3253 I HIRING IMMEDIATELY National Company seeking tot-ented Individuals for display and display sales. No experience necessary as we have a complete company training program.
Neat appear ance and auto a must. Fori personal Interview and more information, phone 932-6789 between 9-llom 2-4pm qsk tor rersonnet Sales position for fine lewelryi store In Westsnore area Ex-i penenced only 855-5795 One of FtorkJas leading com munications companies! neeas outsrae successful sales representative Women or men. Earnings 4 future sauna Win train. Send resume to PO Box 310227, lompa, r-L JJ680. 237-3500 Debit Agent HeatthLlfe Commissions and benefits.
EOE, MF. 223-6269 OFFICE MACHINE SALES Experienced only. Lincoln i ypewriter co. 228-0383. Good paying direct sales lob Call 626-3628 NEEDED 3 PEOPLE Interested In an exerting cos reer wim ine I am pa irip-une? Job Includes supervising and transporting a team of young salesperson.
we're looking tor persons with lurfMiU rill mui management experience ana tare moan van good mechanical condition. Ex-ceHent salary, plus weekly many more company bene-i m. vjii rur usJvuinrrnenT at HAPPY PHONE ROOM H2 or 5-9, 1 125 a week, bonuv 885-6900 FREE Real Estate Licensing School! Tuition. For Interview call Tom Erwln or Jeff Curtis 9851 -vi Mono Realty, mcj ERA Call our R.E. Licensing neview lourse Immediate opening In sates management tar am whote- sale company.
Experience! reauirea con ns-6145. SALESLADIES clotty store. Fu time post-1 tlon. Fringe benefits 4 ao-l vancement. Applv RivER-i buat, 312 Franklin St.
Man COMPUTER DATA SUPPLItsj Must hove 2yr sates com- iwwaani supplies neta IHMMOyr plus opportunity Please send confidential re sumps to Tribune Box 1-044 TERMITE CONTROL Soleslnsoector wantcn Apply Cross Pest Control. oatr eum FAST CASH Telephone want tettlna polntments for outside 5 per lead plus commission. Col Jennifer, 932-4441. Telephone Sam. Vam-hvn 2pm-7pm, 9ieifSum.
Great pay, Good bonuses. Co TAKE OFF YOUR TIE on the Job 4 make more rrwrrt man most salesmen In the Tampa area Positions now open due to personnel orfvoncement. One of the target companies In the world If) our field. Leads pro- vraea. Draw pkrt commls Slon.
aM-4656. Local residential developer needs to increase an um sates staff which means a warworn career oop ty for fist me right person. Must hove real estate Rcense. good personality, good appearance, honest 4 Hie atxiit-v to work wed wother staff memtiers. Send complete resume 4 recent photo avaH- ante trioune Bos e-MO SAI EVIeans storeTexpT M57 lor wo Ave.
373 SALES In ion. CAiL BEL TONE, 877-2445 or 877-254. kATKAL CORP. super vised, expert sae maustrKi-saws pro. Co ven.
gas, 13H av. M. comnv, bonus, benefits, no trove 68 1-5754 CARPET SALES Essabksnea retal store Expe rience carpet sows re auirea 13CUXXI pftjs very pos- siote comnvssjort ano draw Car Ron 885-533 APPCHNTMENT SETTERS Wanted for fu time 12-ePM or part time 12-4 or e-eom. 14.00 per hour plus bonus. (ram.
Cat 935-1332 far tent SALE S-RECEPTlONrST Need person who eniovs peo ple to work 4 days week meoicai service omce. o-rect sates experience necess ary. Branoon 689-3635 MEDICAL SALES Leader in Industry 20-25K Fee Ptxa DELTA Personnel 879-3313 REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Must be proven closer. We sen townhomes smote farrwiy a oevetoomen? moti Is making sales! Need refer- ft 1981 earnmos. Pre fer ncai resiaenr.
Keorv: Tribune Co. Box 0-798 Aaricurture supplies Distribu torAgent needs young AG ort- entea salesman. Help bund business for base salary, expenses, car, fringes. Possible eventual pus. share, only consiaer creative, risking, successful person.
Resumes: Tribune Company Box O-061 Commission Sales, 130K, guar anteed arow. ena resume Dept. 04038. P.O. Box 272064 Tompa 33688-2064 Advertisng SPACE SALES WE ARE SEEKING AN OUTSTANDING SALESPERSON WITH EXPERIENCE TO REPRESENT OUR EXPANDING CONSUMER MAGAZINE IN THE TAMPA MARKET.
The Candidate must nave a minimum 5 years Face to Face selling experience In the Consumer Magazine or Newspaper fields. SALARY COMMISSION Opportunity EXCELLENT BENEFITS LONG RANGE CAREER OPPORTUNITY Please send resume confi dence to TRIBUNE CO. BOX Z-939 Rueben H. Donnelley a company ef The Dun Bradsli eel Corporation LIQUOR REP S18K soot Local area temtary Kusn mjn mi B-2UOT TERRITORY SALES REP 20K Bonus. Fee Paid DELTA Personnel 879-3313 INDUSTRIAL SALES 18-22K Plus Car Fee Paid DELTA Personnel 879-3313 Insurance License Req.
No cold colls, no treveL Work established accounts only. Annual prem. Muhi-bllllon dollar co. Management opportunity. Can you lead by example? lob 62 1- izoo Local Company over 45 years old, needs 3 Pre Need Counselors to market (land markers) Cemetary Products.
A product that everyone must buy now or later. tnanes Reiiford 623-1894. NEW SALES ASSOCIATES WANTED TUITION REIMBURsem*nT For Information on on excit ing career in Real Estate. Call Bob Hatton Rlty, Inc. -Ask for Bob Hatton 839-2148 SALES SERVICE This Is your chance to lom nation wide company, Termh nlx International We need soles service people.
We offer a full training program, excellent benefits, a company vehicle or auto allowance. For Interview coll 839- 7750 (10om-5pm) EOE MF SALES REP. DO YOU HAVE First can doslna exner. The ability to deliver on hon est sales presentation to busi ness people in Miiisooro cnty surrounatng areas City Directory or Directory exper. a plus IT your answer Is YES to the above, we can offer you on exciting career opportunity with one of Americas largest publishers of Cross Refer ence Directories.
Guaranteed weekly earnings with substantial commission program. We hove the right product In the right place at the right tune. No evening or week end work. For personal Interview, please call Roy vjetren, ompa v-4 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS 25-30K Urgent Fee Pd DELTA Personnel 879-3313 MARKETING TRAINEE 14-16 Degree Fee Paid DELTA Personnel 879-3313 BUSINESS SYSTEMS SALES 16-20K Fee Paid DELTA Personnel 879-3313 Progressive Trim Co. needs comm.
door tnm satesper-son wfol lowing. 886-9760. CANVASSERS WANTED In home shopping service has Immediate openings for someone who has direct tome-home sates dock groundwork 6 hours per day Mon-Frt. Full benefits, paid training, some travel. If you hove a need and desire to earn S250-i350 or more per week, coll Paul HuanoH 305-331- 7333 8-6.
EOE. Part time hours available far expertenod, bHInguoJ food sows people, uooo repeat commissions. Auto necess ary. Kusseti 23e2 1 1 1 FOOD SALES Natl Co. 15-19K car Fee Pd DELTA Personnel 879-3313 SALES CONSULTANTS 5600 MARINER, SUITE 2 11 872-1538 BRANCH MGR TRAINEE Excestent opportunity, many fringe benefits.
Apply 7- Cost Crete Corp. yj mire torm or t-4 on 5 5v, Oldest A largest food service company Eastern US seek Ing career minded Sates Representatives, we hove mst completed our best year Hi over 20 years need sales pros far our expansion plans. PArU IHAININU DRAW AGAINST COMM. COMPANY BENEFITS We hove the finest training proyrqtn In the industry auoflfted appointments are provided to start you on the rooo to success. USJXtt PLUS FIRST YEAR Co Mr.
Hicks far Interview 855-5753 or t-0 282-7884 YOUR FUTURE IS NOW 4 out of people who earn In excess of a year are In sate. Come and lom the most successful company on expanding industry. We futty train and suppfy all me terloH. Absolutely no Investment reauirea Those who qualify drive the car of their dreams, receive monthly clothing allowance and a complete family Insurance porkoge. OTHf rVeatures INCLUDE: MONTHLY RAISES VACATION IN EXOTIC PLACES DEMAND FOR PROOUCTS HAS CJETE0 TREMENDOUS EXPANSION.
LAIkircRi guuO put, hiring now. 179-729 job Lister. OWNER OPERATORS TopSS immed 932-e77 Svstem I TWED OF JOB HUNTING? We set-sxo snservsews 4 make resumes, see If we can guarantee vou an interww toooy. 879-7291. Job Lister.
CABLE TV UG for. 6) 3vrs mm cable exp Offsce hetp 11 2vrs caue eo Warenouse 4 DOM (1) 3vr exp Aocx. 4 resumes accepted at Advanced Cabie snaustrses 123oO tent St. North Suite Largo FL, e-epm only- COMPUTER ftekt hsrsng now, good pay 879-7291 JobLrster TRAVEL Reservation agent tor local charier asr service. Col Carol, 229-1600.
WAREHOUSE WORK, hiring now, GOOO PAY. Col 879-7291. Jab Lister. ALUMINUM 4 Screen Installers 932-6677 System I OFFICE. wW train, fui 4 part time.
879-7291. job Lister. PAINTERS NEEDED, good poy. 879-7291 Job Lister. ROAD CREW worker Immed Good pay 932-6677 System I MACHINIST Immed opening good pay 932-6677 System I ROUTE SALES, Tampa good pay.
879-7291 Job Lister. COOKS 4 kitchen help fui or pt time 932-6677 Svstem 1 Telephone work. Imrned openings. No exp. nec WW tram.
No setting or sol letting. Part time hours with fui lime pay. 885-7267. MANAGERS, Asst mgrs Trainees 932-6677 System One MEDICAL ASSIST win troln FP time 932-6677 System 1 Roofers helpers, must hove drivers license, 238-9147 Telephone Reservotlonist- college level Intelligence. Able to answer 7 phones white giving directions on the 8th.
Apply tsern-s iteox House Permanent position ovollabie tar person wim 1 yj years experience on pool service route. Con 977-4621 SEAMSTRESS 8857 N. Florida Ave. ADVERTISING ARTIST i ma a cr to do layout and finished art, capable of designing quick visuals and crisp, deon, comprehensive layouts for print advertising, brochures, sales olds, AV materials, etc. from concept to completion.
Must be familiar with copy, typography, printing reproduction, and be highly sales oriented. Minimum 3 years proven experience. We are a well established Tompa hrm offering excellent benefits. Send COMPLETE RESUME. Include minimum wage considered.
Apply to: Tribune Ca Box R-0 10 Tampa FL 33601 An Equal Oppfy Employer No exp. necessary, wn train. Earn to a week plus bonus. Call between 10-4, Moa-Frl. 885-1399.
FOLDER OPERATOR Exp. only need apply. 2442 Mississippi Ave. Tampa EOE Auto Lease person to take complete charge of our leasing dept. New car furnished, hearth accident Insurance program, salary plus bonus.
Ask for Lorry, 872-1898, 9-5. CMLDCARE WORKERS FP time some will train 237-1400 $25 Guar Deftvery drivers wanted Must know area 932-6677 System 1 PAPER CUTTER OPERATOR Exp. only need appty. 2442 Mississippi Ave. Tompa EOE Experienced Motor Grader Operator.
Must be experienced In final dress operations. EOE. Contact The Cone Corporation, 229-2383 EXPANDING CO. NEEDS Strong Sotepersons Excellent Opportunity to Grow. 9AM-12PM Call 251-2799 MGR.
4 ASST. MGR. Start S2.25 to $3.75. Jeans Store-exp. 933-7609 OwnerOperators.
48 state operation hauling boats. 160' maximum wheel base. COE trucks single or tandem axles. 2 yr. recent road experience verifiable 4 dean driving record.
613-577-2856 SECURITY GUARD WANTED WIH tram 932-6677 System 1 UPHOLSTERY Exp. only. Steady employment to replqce a retired person. Cot) or write for Interview. MenIn E.
Wentz, 214 Rosewood Ave Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Phone 904-677- 4572 TELEPHONE SALES Sen Kodak Film PT. $3.35 per Hr. plus commission between 10AM-3PM or 5PM-9PM 4 make CaH Mr. Flaherty, 933-5490 TERMITE CONTROL SalesInspector wanted.
Apply Cross Pest Control 6411 40th St CARPET USTALLERS Looking to hire a fultttme crew capable of doing carpet, VAT, vinyl 4 base. Willing to travel. Salary or contract work available. Must hove truck 4 toots. Inverness 1-904-726-9333 CASHIERS 4 CLERKS Good Pay-Some WIH Troln 932-9890 JOB-AID mc $30 guar FEMALE WELDERS Needed 932-9790 JOB-AID Inc $30 guar HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPR 932-9790 JOB-AID Inc $30 guar UVE 4 WORK Overseas TAX FREE TRAVEL FREE HIGHER SALARIES Cost-Of-LrVtng Expense 12-24-36 Month Contracts Bonus, Vacation, Advancement.
Jam hundreds of oreo residents now entovmg most or on of these benefits with American Firms at locations around the worn Stimulate your career with an Overseas Contract. It's your chance to build nest-egg, have ob security, travel 4 adventure with other Americans In a friendly foreign atmosphere. Craftsmen Technicians Supervisors Managers Professionals Executives Teachers Engineers Military Skies Many Others ALL FIELDS-ALL SKILLS WORLD WlOE LOCATIONS DON'T DELAY CALL NOW 879-5360 Overseas Personnel Assn. 4998 W. Kennedy Suite 408 Eastslde Southeast Bank Bldo MOTEL MGR 18 units, must hove motel exp 4 references Exc salary 877-5844 aft 6em Weeded Immediately experienced typist and warehouser with some knowledge of escrow closings far Tfne Insurance) Co.
Salary commensurate with experience. Col 879-2711 for appointment or apoty at 324 N. Dole Mabry, Suite 101. sKARPENTERSHELPEPSe Several Needed Good 237-1400 JG $25 Guar Exp tent furnigotor needed. Supervisory position, high SOary attainable.
870-2348 FINANCE REPRESENTATIVE Need aareeetve person ested the fINance ix our om. Aooty Person: Eagle Finance, 9000C N. Florida Ave. STOCK BOOKER TRAINEES 1ST INCOME POTENTIAL One of the most octtve Investment bonking firms the country is now hiring trotn-ees for their Tompa office Sates experience r- college degree required Con Doug Ward 813-876-2999 COLLEGE STUDENTS RECENT HS GRADS FULL OR PART pTlQ Ontf HX kMeJ (jV (if 4 tw toondtM. No txa.
ra $6.69 HR. SAL Per 624-7640 ACCCxjntanTu Charge ftooxruseper. Posttson re-oue-es Aamesiskrottve 4 storehouse aunes with expe- rience oxxxiunring, ry and capapie or saw tor Dwrioutan yvare-house. Sasary comnsensurote wnvt ODtuiv ana experience. sa Manager, PO Boa Ku82, Tampa FL 33679.
BUYER rSEMOS) Negotsotor, Coprtai Eopt Indus BARRY WEhMaXER 53V55C2 Exp. Hotel Front Desk Oerks Trovex-oage, 2501 E. Fewer. BARTENDERS Bar Mods tor more into 932-6677 System I S20sv, ne exp. necessary, we irotn.
Appry In person Apr 9, between S-7pm, Recreational Warehouse. 14701 N. Nebraska Ave. SPORTS WRITER art time. Reply with tlek-grouna and dips to bob McCkjre, Tompa Tribune, PO Box 342, Loketana, FL 33802.
Fui time night auditor. Experienced only. Appty person. HOLIDAY INN NORTHEAST 2701 E. Fowler Ave.
Scrap Metal Laborers, I year residency. No Phone Cans. Appry person only. R. V.
Snuinburg, 511 E. Shade w-lown, Tompa DISPATCH SUPRV. Motor carrier with 48 state authority seeks experienced individual with operations background. Salary based on exp. Paid benefits.
Must be non-smoker. 877-1 23 1 Men with cars for fob assignments. Cash potd'v dolly. Apply Peokioad Labor, 1100 N. Franklin St, AM SALESMAN, Mechanically Inclined person to work in retaH store.
$4.00 an hour to start. 5831 Memorial Hwy Window Cleaner. 40 hours per week, at lease 2 vrs experience with belt 4 stage work. Can 879-7077 between 2-5 or appty, 5005 N. Hesperldes OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT Pacific Overseas Services 813-875-0036 FEE TV REPAIRMAN.
Flortoon Hotel 905 N. Fla Ave PART TIME Weekend leasing agent needea Experience 4 light typing necessary, P.R. work helpful Call 977-4333 Opening For Shop Monager. Must know small engine repair, pressure washers 4 airless sprayers. Salary pkis commission.
Send resume to: Tribune Ca Box U-039 SALESLADIES Contemporary women's soe-darty store. Full tjmc position. Fringe benefits 4 ofl-vancement. Apply RIVER-BOAT, 512 Franklin St. Man SEMI-DRIVERS lninBd opontftov toed tono hauL sal range $22400 to $26v900 per yr.
Bonus programs, health Insurance. CHxjmccmons-2 yrs exp, age min. 25 yrs. permanent central Fla resident whome ph. Call Tompa 229-0791 or Plant City 752-6176 If vou are not satisfied with your present position, apply at 221 W.
Waters, Suite 9:30 AM sharp. STUDENTS Work In a fun casual office atmosphere. Earn Appry 12-6, 11216 N. Date Mabry Suite 102 EXP. SEAMTRESS Far Dry Cleaning store.
Appry a 2312 South Atacbifl MGR FOR APT COMPLEX Married Couple with experience preferred. No kids, no pets. References required. 879-7803; 932-5349 time rooks station Ages 16-25 preferred. Good T.
SAT I-SV M4IO IS. Dale Mabry Suite V02 Owner-Operators needed to drive wttMn Florida References, certification, twin screw required. Call 626-1757 Professional auto painter. Hove own toots. 877-6763 SEMt-DRIVERS Lang distance 48 state and Canada operation.
All team refrigerated operation. Requires a good work and safety record, central Florida residence, able to meet DOT requirements. Rood experience preferred. Appty H.L. StonselL Inc.
1221 Alternate 19, Palm Harbor, FL. Tampa 229-2828; Pinellas 784-8566 WAITERS waitresses needed fop pay 932-6677 System 1 ANSWER PHONE LIVE -IN 872-8737 Fui 4 part time irvainteriance persons needed. Only experienced need apply. Ybor Square office, 3rd floor, located at 8th Ave 4 13th St. NEW IN TOWN? Good jobs-All types 932-9790 932-9890 JOB-AO tnc $30 guar Couple to manage and maintain 45 unit opts, part time.
Husband may be employed. WIH treln. Suite 109. 3260 W. Hillsborough.
872-4473 MAINTENANCE Man with some experience In carpentry, electrical plumbing. Mimmum2 yeun of maintenance of complete plant. Can 839-5325 for Interview. Experienced part time night auditor. Apply 3688 Gandy Btvd between 9-3PM.
GAS Attendents WW tram fun lob 932-6677 System 1 CRT operator Good pay Call for lnfo932-6677 System I "$4.00 HOUR" Now Hiring: Part Time Afternoon 4 Evenings. Casual office setting, dose to USF. Con Mr. Hunter M-Frl 985-8711 Lease OWNER-OPERATORS, aggregate hauling, Tompa area Paul, 813626-9549 APPOINTMENT SETTERS $5.20 per hour plus bonus, 10-2 or 5-9. 885-6900 CLERICSCASHERS, wi trohs.
879-7291. Job Lister DRIVERS Appty person. IJrvrted Cab iot w. case ELECTRICIANS, FT, good pay. 879-7291 Job Lister CARPENTERS, fui time, high wages.
879-7291 Job Lister. CHtLD Care Wll train Full or pt time 932-6677 System I FRONT DESK CLERK, experienced only, prefer knowledge of NCR 250, excellent working conditions, good salary 4 benefits. Col Mike Nasser, Bahlo Beach Island Resort for appt. 645-3291. RECEPTIONIST, Immed, FT, filing, phones, etc good pay.
Co 879-7291. Job Lister. 6-ERK NEEDED Gd benefits to SMOmo 932-6677 System 1 DRIVERS NEEDED, good pay. Cot 879-7291. Job Lister.
Mechanic, used oar tot. Own tools. 232-0185 FACTORY, 15 openings, high mrrrrri joo s.ister. rvrAi i cos i ftetds 932-6677 System One I 932-9890 JOB-AID mc $30 guar SECURITY Guards Prestigious locations. Dov-Nioht-Weekinds shifts.
Pay above minimum. 238-0471. CARPENTERS Alum. Subcontractors. Ooudk vaur Eornmos.
Must Hove Truck loots. 77V-2230; 949-1014 OFFICE, FVnusf hove good voice, ntn i joo Lister, BANK WORK, wi tram, fui time. 879-7291. job Lister. Construction, tteoov, good poy.
879-7291 Job Litter. EwrwRJ Van 4 SemL meat 4 songnauiyjer system 1 MACMMSTS, fui time, good pay. 879-729 1 Job Litter. MECHANICS wanted Immed Too pov Gas 4 aw set For Info 932-6677 System One SANOfk ASTER. Aooty In per son, wm Brooawoy DFLrvf RY, imrned.
tocot Bam pnninges, good poy. Co 879-7791. Job Lister. BSYWALL Isaroers 4 finish ers Info 932-6677 System Son WORKERS Wetaers 4 fitters Steady Too poy For lob Info 932-677 System One TAMPA SERVICE Exper. washer 4 Refrigerator Keoarmon for Outside 4 In side work.
Time 4 Vi over 40. weeks vac at km. prM hotidovs Must have own toots 4 Fsa Drtvers Lkese. Co oft 12 Noon 877-8SJ1 iS3 EMPLOYMENT GEN. TELEPHOtsE SOLICIT OtS to cat from home tar aonanons oowwna 4 scar as.
Commission. 900c LO 9-3 229-8215 Ejuaersenced Person tar Home Oxygen Dekvery 685-60 1 1 CHECKER SECURITY REP $4.00 Hour. Evening work Mostxtaf zonon, paid vaca tion, advancement. Aodtv: ABC Liquors, 1711 M. Brandon cvva Branoon.
Mon needed to operote pump si'nr. lo e-ypm. ve2 TELEPHONE HELP NEEDED No seema, simply set appomt-meots tar aeveioper. Greor working conations 4 even better hours. No experience.
ww tram, bob euxxiev, e-e WELDERS 933-5434 Tampa Employment Bureau 1st Class Burn-Up 4 Shingle iomotnonon Kooeer. Appry City Roofina 4710 N. Cortez (Drew Pk) between BE YOUR OWN BOSS Set your own hours, earni good with Avon. 231-1121 CASHsERS-FP TIME No Exp Necessary 933-5646 ompa tmpioyment Bureau Experienced Milker Wonted. Fkjtbarn.
oonus. ov-4246 WANTED Counter Parts Person Needed. Appliance or air conditioning experience helpful but not necessary. Sakry plus commission, excellent benefit pock age. Apply in person: W5 w.
niiisporougn. No phone call please. WANTED: We need 5 motivat ed people. Draw vs. commis sion, hospitalization pro-grorn, company car program.
Call 228-4227, 30- iui AH Tompo YMCA's are now hiring day camp 4 aquatic starr. for mta BB4-V4 13 AUTO REPO Man, local experi ence fc- ray Auto, V6 1-3354 LANDSCAPING exphelpers 1 op pov VJ2-667 system 1 PART TIME ACCOUNTANT or Bookkeeper to handle all bookkeeping for condomini um management company. Flexible hours, oaod salary. Call Mr. Lewis between 9AM -11 AM 831-1551.
Semi-retired welcome. PARTS MANAGER BMW-VW Dealer needs experienced person to supervise their Parts Dept. includes company benefits, sotorv commensurate with experi ence, sena resume to vista Motor Co. 700 N. Federal Hwy.
Pompana Beach, FL JJUOZ. SUMMER JOBS NOW! Full or part time. 3-9PM or Mon-Frt. $4Hrty. win troia oeuisz BARM AOS 4 BARTENDERS Needed.
No experience ne cessary, vi. iu per hour to start, plus tips. 5 Day week. paid vocation, hospltolizo-tlon. Apply In person at ABC Liquors, 1711 W.
Brandon erva tvarsdon. Church Nursery Worker for Sunday morneves 932-7517 FITNESS INSTRUCTORS No Exp? Will Train 933-5434 Tampa Employment Bureau HARD WORKERS ONLY Experienced Landscape Moln- Tenance rerson. Call Mr. Lewis 631-1551 between Uam-12Noon. For poima ceio Goncy Area MOBILE HOME PARK MAINT.
run time your tools 985-6976 Retired, semi-retired, need extra income, work our phone room 4 hrs a day, 5 days a week. CaH 254-3195 10AM to noon for an appt. TELEPHONE WORK 886-3373 COMMERCIAL RATER At least 2yrs experience required, preferably In com mercial property casualty lines. For oppomtment col Beth Campbell 672-7731 8AM INA AETNA INSUR ANCE CO. EOE MF CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FLOROA FEDERAL'S Tompo oav center omce nos an opening for a Customer Service Representative to function as a feiter.
Experience preferred. WIH consiaer training applicants with cash han dling, public contact and numerical aptitude. Appry with resume at 1070 Tampa tsay center. Equal Oppfy. Employer MF Exp.
Cutter to hand cut ladles rackets, dresses 251-5721 Experienced Chauffeur fuH time. References needea 935-3141, 9-lpm. MANAGER TRAINEES for growing Liquor Chain In Tampa area Good pay, 40 hour week plus commission, pak) vocations, hospitaiiio-hon. Applv: 1711 W. Brandon Brvd, Brandon.
SPORTS DIRECTOR WSUN It currently taking ap-ptlcotlons for a Sports Direc tor. The sports Director should hove i yrs experience 4 be skilled In both Anchor 4 Street Reporting, Applications should be mode be tween 9am-5pm either ot me station, 201 2nd Ave Na St. Pete, or coH 229-2274 Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS 933-5646 Tompo Employment Bureau tNOUSTRiAL SEWER, experience reauirea CaN 885-2721 from 8am-12 noon LocalOverseas Work AH kilted positions or en-tob 9roinmg programs contact: Tompa Employment Bureau "WE'RE THE ONES PUTTING TAMPA BACK TO WORK!" WE HANOI. THESE 4 MANY OTHER JOBSI Office 'Fue Cierirt tTWVwk Exp Londscapers 275-JOOwk 700 wk CPT-doto entry-win Troin Factory-Assembly Workers Managers-All Fields to 40K ne ewp I8-25K Heovy Erruioment Operators) Bartenders ue to day Vgr to 25k year EtectrKian ll-20K-At 12K Construction ah Phases Laborers $i0xvw NOTE: most overseas loot pov double amount shown. 933-5179 933-5434 tow T-tjucrjiiLi MrvttsV An Types.
Co tor erto 932-9 JOB-AjO $30 guar OFFICE-FULL 4 PT TIME Some Tran. Can Now! 933-9ev0 jOe-AjQ mc $31 guor RETAIL SALESTRAINEES 932-9790 JOB-AO mc $30 guar CONSTRUCTION WORK Al Types 4 tstgh Starting Pov 932-9790 JOB-AO mc $30 guar DAYCARE Fut 4 Part hme Many Mr A SraHS. Co new 932-9890 JOB-AO mc $36 guar $5 PER HOUR SALARY. Phone Soses. FuM 4 Part Time Cat Mrs.
Cosh 933-1788 Drivers with vafcd kcense. Apply 3023 N. Fa. Tampa Fax Tampa Bay Bus Sows Ex-MWtary Skills Overseas Overseas Pers 879-5360 GENERAL LABORERS Hiring Now exp. neeoed 237-1400 $25 Guar Hustlers 4 peodters warrtea lot necessary, eed-rve AM IMIM Umu TMbt 1932-9890 JOB-AO mc $30 guar Marine Crofts-Overseas Overseas Pers 879-5360 CARPENTERSHELPERS 932-9890 JOB-AO mc $30 guar COOKS -OVERSEAS Overseas Pers 879-5360 DRIVER LocalOtr Also Owner Operator 237-1400 JG $25 Guar.
Programmer s-Overseos Overseas Pers 879-530 SECURITY GUARDS SOME WTRAIN-ALL SHIFTS 932-9790 JOB-AO tnc $30 guar BOOKKEEPtNG Assistant and Typist to at so monitor a truck scale, etc Semi-retired gentleman considered. Phone 228-7880, ask for Sam Greenberg CONSTRUCTION WORK Most Phases, Steady Work 237-1400 JG $25 Guar. Constructlon-Overseos Overseas Pers 879-5360 Consumer Environmental The Florida Consumers' Federation is hiring for its Commu nity uutreacn program. Hours 1 to 10PM. CotT 879-7193 bet.
9 4 12 noon. EXP WRECKER DRIVER Must know city, Suncoast Body Shop. 251-8761. LABOR JOBS TRAIN 932-9790 JOB-AID mc $30 guar MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Tampa based Corp. looking for oggresslve career minded person for public relations department.
Top earnings, no travel. If you present a professional image 4 work well with people call for Interview of 884-9314. PART TIME TELEPHONE SALES Aftswkends 876-4044 FACTORY-WAREHOUSE Good Pov. Some Will Troln 932-9890 JOB-AO Inc $30 guar FORK LIFT OPERATOR 932-9790 JOB-AO Inc $30 guar PHONE WORK Expanding Tampa Office needs arwessrve reliable people with pleasant phone voice. Morn 4 eve hrs available.
Experience helpful but not necessary. Salary plus oonus incentive. BHi-VAJ WAREHOUSE ShpRec Fklltt Good starting some wtrn 237-1400 $25 Guar. WORK OVERSEAS Overseas Pers 879-5360 Arthur Murray Dance Studio's now excepting applications tor ounce insirucTors. no ex perience necessary, will train.
Apply In person: 4007 west Kennedy, 879-8913 GROUNDS MAINT. MAN Wanted far outside work, spring and summer season. Must hove FL-arrvers License. Referenda checked. Apply Regency! Mobile tsome fork, mm ujnoy tuva at westsnore.
HOME PARTIES $5 Per Hour plus bonuses. Excellent money to be mode selling lingerie. LC FOR LADIES PH. 932-9379 Norfhgule Shopping Center MECHANICS GASDIESEL 932-9790 JOB-AID mc $30 guor TRAVEL AGENT Thomas Cook TroveHias an opening for a commercial counselor. Minimum 2yrs experience.
Computer training experience a must. Sabre preferred. Outstanding fringe benefrts Including generous dental plan, tuition as sistance a company marched savings plan. EOEMF CaH Heather, 9-5, Mon-Frt, bv-buh tor appt WAITERS-WAITRESSES BARMAIDS Some Will Train 932-9790 JOB-AO Inc $30 guar AUTO PAINTERHELPERS 932-9990 JOB-AD Inc $30 guar INSTALLERSHELPERS 932-9890 JOB-AID Inc $30 guar Laundry Help. Full or part time, no experience necessary.
Seminole Heights Area Call between l-3pm 238-3723 Pointing ForemarrCrverseas Overseas Pers 879-5360 EARN ANNUALLY PHONE SOLICITING S5HR SALARY PLUS BONUS SET APPTS. FOR REP NAT'L FOOD SERVICE CO EXP. PREFERRED WILL TRAIN BE ENTHUSIASTIC CALL 10-2, TERRY CALL 5-9, CHRISTY OLOSMAR AREA 855-5754 Managerial Opening Sates oriented, self motivated, experienced professional. To run our Tompa office In moH location. We are looking for a serf starter, working with the public 4 training exp.
a puis, iripune to box l-vu PHONE SOLICITORS Salary plus bonus, AC office. All shifts. CaN Paul 879-0270 Consumer Relations Interview' er. Mature Individual needed tor responsible position. Must possess ability to deal directly and tactfuHv with people.
Organization and pleasant personality wins this position. Previous credit experience helpful. Apply: 5750 N. Hoover Btvd, BMg Suite 109. JOB NEWS PLEASE CALL 272-6975 Hlllsbaro Co.
CMI Service 700 Twiggs St, Tampa FL Equal CJcrportunrry Employer Phone Room Opr. M-F. No selling. Fun Atmosphere. Casual attire.
876-5759. AUTOMOTIVE RetaH outlet It looking tor experienced monooers In the automotive flew. Must have err least years experience In automotive management. Confidential appointment. Send resume or application to: Tribune Co.
Box S-063 5 RELIABLE GIRLS $1,000 Men or women. If you wll ee satisfied with less than, reaa no further. An mternotionoi manufacturer has opened new orviston omce ano nos Immediate openings for local FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Age, education, 10 or experience mean nothing. STRICTLY ATTrrUDE i $1,000 monthly guarantee. $200 monthly car allowance.
1 100 monthly clothing allowance 4. 1 10,000 fife Insurance poltcv 5. Complete family molor medical policy. For personal miervtewt omy, I am. sharp, 1-75 4 fx, sen Btva The Ramodo mn.
Ask for Mr. Gsbbs. No phone cans SEMI DRIVERS drivers. Many hinge benefits. Apply Cost Crete Corp, IV! miie iwwi at re on ah 7- Hr JO AM If you are not satisfied with your present position cat) DoroSd, HOUSEHOLD GOODS DIV- ER.
APPLY IN Pf PSON 8813 NORTH 15th STREET Mechanic for used ear lot, 5 days. Must hove experience and toms. Apply 5223 40thSt. fxjrchaslng Agent wonted. Sot-ory plus good benefits, evoe-rtence needed office eouip-ment 4 suppes.
Contact Carolyn 839-2219 ECKERD DRUGS ANNOUMTES THE FOLLOWING OPFNING: OP UG CLERK Appty txt Pharmacist 0 4409 Nebraska Ave, Tompa EOE OWNER-OPERATORS NEEOED We ere looting for Ownef-Operatof ol late wmM 3 axle, light weight hectors to operate thre 48 states pufcng out trailers. Also needing seme drivers lor trucks currently leased te us. sj Owners ana) drivers must be at least 25 yews oM and have 2 yews ovef-ttie-toed driving experience with ged eVnrmg retwd and references. Excellent teas operation! Husband and wile teams encouraged Ceeibmaticm mileage and percentage base leece Weekly pay settlements 4 tnp advances. We supply aH cense 4 permits, except base plate FuH insurance coverage it suppkeel thru peyrol deduction Fw more kv ermahen please contact: vMm OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT UP TO TAX FREE Let us place you with one of the many major U.S.
firms based overseas. Travel and living expenses are paid by the companies. Coristruction Projects Manapement Administrative Positions Industrial Complexes Food Housing Management Aviation Corporations Medical Facilities Maintenance Projects Education Facilities Oil Gas Corporations ANO MANY MORE) BENEFITS: Paid leave, paid travel, paid housing and paid medical. No occupation Is too great or small for our trained professional placement staff. You deserve more than hard work, a shrinking dollar and high taxes.
100 fee guaranteed. Contact: V-y tRvvrci tnc UQi Kennprlv Suit 0.7(1 Lincoln Center. Tampa. FL 33609 (813) 875-0036 to Orstmie (305) 7Me000 j0 f4eK1lxtMe4eWe)tAM.